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PanGestureRecognizerComponentScript Fields

The PanGestureRecognizerComponentScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAllowSimultaneousExecutionWith
Gesture components to allow simultaneous execution with. By default, gestures cannot execute together.
(Inherited from GestureRecognizerComponentScriptT.)
Public fieldAllowSimultaneousExecutionWithAllGestures
Whether to allow the gesture to execute simultaneously with all other gestures.
(Inherited from GestureRecognizerComponentScriptT.)
Public fieldClearTrackedTouchesOnEndOrFail
Whether tracked touches are cleared when the gesture ends or fails, default is false. By setting to true, you allow the gesture to possibly execute again with a different touch even if the original touch it failed on is still on-going. This is a special case, so be sure to watch for problems if you set this to true, as leaving it false ensures the most correct behavior, especially with lots of gestures at once.
(Inherited from GestureRecognizerComponentScriptT.)
Public fieldGestureStateUpdated
Gesture state updated callback
(Inherited from GestureRecognizerComponentScriptT.)
Public fieldGestureView
The game object the gesture must execute over, null to allow the gesture to execute anywhere.
(Inherited from GestureRecognizerComponentScriptT.)
Public fieldMaximumNumberOfTouchesToTrack
The maximum number of touches to track. This gesture will never track more touches than this. Default is usually 1 or 2. Not all gestures will honor values higher than 1.
(Inherited from GestureRecognizerComponentScriptT.)
Public fieldMinimumNumberOfTouchesToTrack
The minimum number of touches to track. This gesture will not start unless this many touches are tracked. Default is usually 1 or 2. Not all gestures will honor values higher than 1.
(Inherited from GestureRecognizerComponentScriptT.)
Public fieldRequireGestureRecognizersToFail
The gesture recognizers that should be required to fail
(Inherited from GestureRecognizerComponentScriptT.)
Public fieldThresholdUnits
How many units away the pan must move to execute.
See Also