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FingersJoystickAnywhereComponentScript Fields

The FingersJoystickAnywhereComponentScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCrossPlatformInputHorizontalAxisName
Horizontal input axis name if cross platform input integration is desired.
Public fieldCrossPlatformInputJumpAxisName
Jump input axis name if cross platform input integration is desired. Sends a value of 1.0 if jumped.
Public fieldCrossPlatformInputVerticalAxisName
Vertical input axis name if cross platform input integration is desired.
Public fieldPanAnchor
Show where the pan center is currently, null to not do this. This is the center for the current joystick, depending on where the pan started. As the pan moves away from this center, the pan amount increases up to 1.
Public fieldPanAnchorLine
Allows drawing a line from pan anchor to current pan to help with seeing the current pan position from anchor.
Public fieldPanCallback
The pan/move callback (values are between -1 and 1)
Public fieldPanGestureThresholdUnits
How far the pan gesture must move before executing in units (inches)
Public fieldPanPlatformSpecificView
The game object the pan must happen in, null for anywhere
Public fieldPanUnitsForMaxMove
The number of units where the pan will be at maximum. For example, if you move this many units (default is inches) or more from the pan start, your move for that axis would be the maximum.
Public fieldTapCallback
The tap/jump callback
Public fieldTapGestureThresholdUnits
How far the tap gesture can move and still count as a tap in units (inches)
Public fieldTapPlatformSpecificView
The game object the tap must happen in, null for anywhere
Public fieldTapToJump
Whether a tap will register as a jump. False to not allow tap to jump.
See Also