Click or drag to resize

FingersScript Fields

The FingersScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAutoAddRequiredComponents
Whether to auto-add required components like physics raycasters, event system, etc. if they are missing.
Public fieldDefaultDPI
The default DPI to use if the DPI cannot be determined
Public fieldEnableMultiTouch
Whether to enable Unity input multi-touch automatically.
Public fieldLevelUnloadOption
Allows resetting state (keeps the gestures, just resets them) or clearing all gestures when a level is unloaded.
Public fieldMouseDistanceInUnitsForScaleAndRotate
The distance (in units, default is inches) for simulated fingers to start at for a mouse zoom or rotate.
Public fieldMouseWheelDeltaMultiplier
Mouse wheel delta multiplier.
Public fieldPassThroughObjects
Objects that should pass gestures through. By default, some UI components block gestures, such as Panel, Button, Dropdown, etc. See the SetupDefaultPassThroughComponents method for the full list of defaults.
Public fieldProcessUnityTouches
Whether to process Unity touch events. If false, you will need to implement the VirtualTouch* methods to implement touch handling.
Public fieldRequireControlKeyForMouseZoom
Whether the control key is required for mouse zoom. If true, control pluse mouse wheel zooms. If false, mouse wheel alone will zoom.
Public fieldShowTouches
Whether to show touches using the TouchCircles array. Make sure to turn this off before releasing your game or app.
Public fieldSimulateMouseWithTouches
Whether to treat touches as mouse pointer? This needs to be set before the script Awake method is called.
Public fieldTouchCircles
If ShowTouches is true, this array is used to show the touches. The FingersScriptPrefab sets this up as 10 circles.
Public fieldTreatMousePointerAsFinger
True to treat the mouse as a finger, false otherwise. Left, middle and right mouse buttons can be used as individual fingers and will all have the same location.
Public fieldTreatMouseWheelAsFingers
True to treat the mouse wheel as two fingers for rotation and scaling, false otherwise.
See Also