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LightningBeamSpellScript Properties

The LightningBeamSpellScript type exposes the following members.

Public propertyanimation Obsolete.

The Animation attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyaudio Obsolete.

The AudioSource attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertycamera Obsolete.

The Camera attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCanCastSpell
Determines whether the spell can be cast or not
(Inherited from LightningSpellScript.)
Public propertyCasting
Is the spell currently being cast?
(Inherited from LightningSpellScript.)
Public propertycollider Obsolete.

The Collider attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertycollider2D Obsolete.

The Collider2D component attached to the object.

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyconstantForce Obsolete.

The ConstantForce attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Protected propertyCooldownTimer
Cooldown, in seconds, remaining before spell can be cast again
(Inherited from LightningSpellScript.)
Protected propertyDurationTimer
Duration, in seconds, remaining for the spell
(Inherited from LightningSpellScript.)
Public propertyenabled

Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not.

(Inherited from Behaviour.)
Public propertygameObject

The game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object.

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyguiElement Obsolete. (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyguiText Obsolete.

The GUIText attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyguiTexture Obsolete.

The GUITexture attached to this GameObject (Read Only). (null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyhideFlags

Should the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user?

(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyhingeJoint Obsolete.

The HingeJoint attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyisActiveAndEnabled

Has the Behaviour had enabled called.

(Inherited from Behaviour.)
Public propertylight Obsolete.

The Light attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyname

The name of the object.

(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertynetworkView Obsolete.

The NetworkView attached to this GameObject (Read Only). (null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyparticleEmitter Obsolete.

The ParticleEmitter attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyparticleSystem Obsolete.

The ParticleSystem attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyrenderer Obsolete.

The Renderer attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyrigidbody Obsolete.

The Rigidbody attached to this GameObject. (Null if there is none attached).

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyrigidbody2D Obsolete.

The Rigidbody2D that is attached to the Component's GameObject.

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyrunInEditMode

Allow a specific instance of a MonoBehaviour to run in edit mode (only available in the editor).

(Inherited from MonoBehaviour.)
Public propertytag

The tag of this game object.

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertytransform

The Transform attached to this GameObject.

(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyuseGUILayout

Disabling this lets you skip the GUI layout phase.

(Inherited from MonoBehaviour.)
See Also