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WeatherMakerLightManagerScript Fields

The WeatherMakerLightManagerScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAreaLightAreaMultiplier
Multiplier for area light. Spreads and fades light out over x and y size.
Public fieldAreaLightFalloff
Falloff for area light, as light moves away from center it falls off more as this increases.
Public fieldAreaLightQuadraticAttenuation
Area light quadratic attenuation. Set to 0 to turn off all area lights.
Public fieldAutoAddLights
A list of lights to automatically add to the light manager. Only used if AutoFindLights is false.
Public fieldAutoFindLights
Whether to find all lights in the scene automatically if no Lights were added programatically. If none, you must manually add / remove lights using the AutoAddLights property. To ensure correct behavior, do not change in script, set it once in the inspector and leave it. If this is set to EveryFrame, AddLight and RemoveLight do nothing.
Public fieldBlueNoiseTexture
Blue noise texture, useful for dithering and eliminating banding
Public fieldCurrentBounds
The current bounds if checking a collider and not a camera
Public fieldCurrentCameraFrustumCorners
The corners of the current camera view frustum
Public fieldCurrentCameraFrustumPlanes
The planes of the current camera view frustum
Public fieldDirectionalLightIntensityMultipliers
Directional light intensity multipliers - all are applied to the final directional light intensities
Public fieldDirectionalLightShadowIntensityMultipliers
Directional light shadow intensity multipliers - all are applied to the final directional light shadow intensities
Public fieldFogDirectionalLightScatterIntensity
How intense is the scatter of directional light in the fog.
Public fieldFogLightSunIntensityReducer
How much the sun reduces fog lights. As sun intensity approaches 1, fog light intensity is reduced by this value.
Public fieldFogSpotLightRadiusFalloff
How quickly fog point lights falloff from the center radius. High values fall-off more.
Public fieldIgnoreLights
A list of lights to always ignore if AutoFindLights is being used.
Public fieldStatic memberMaximumLightCount
Maximum number of lights to send to the Weather Maker shaders - reduce if you are having performance problems This should match the constant 'MAX_LIGHT_COUNT' in WeatherMakerLightShaderInclude.cginc
Public fieldStatic memberMaximumNullZones
Max number of null zones - the n closest will be sent to shaders.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxMoonCount
Max number of moons supported. This should match the constant in WeatherMakerLightShaderInclude.cginc.
Public fieldNoiseTexture3D
Noise texture for fog and other 3D effects.
Public fieldNullZones
Null zones - this is handled automatically as null zone scripts are added
Public fieldPointLightQuadraticAttenuation
Point light quadratic attenuation.
Public fieldScreenSpaceShadowShader
Set this to a custom screen space shadow shader, by default this is the weather maker integrated screen space shadow shader.
Public fieldScreenSpaceShadowsRenderTextureName
The texture name for shaders to access the screen space shadow map, null/empty to not use screen space shadows
Public fieldShaderUpdateInterval
How often to update shader state in seconds for each object (camera, collider, etc.), 0 for every frame.
Public fieldSpotLightQuadraticAttenuation
Spot light quadratic attenuation.
See Also