DigitalRuby.WeatherMaker Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ColorTween |
Object used to tween Color values.
| |
CommandBufferExtensions |
Command buffer extensions
| |
CommentDrawer |
Comment drawer, allows drawing a label instead of a field
| |
EditorDrawLine |
Draw lines helper class
| |
EnumFlagAttribute |
Enum flags attribute, allows drawing a flags property drawer
| |
EnumFlagDrawer |
Enum flag property drawer
| |
FloatTween |
Object used to tween float values.
| |
GameObjectTweenExtensions |
Extensions for tween for game objects - unity only
| |
GradientExtensions |
Unity Gradient class extensions
| |
HelpBoxAttribute |
Help box attribute, use to turn field into a help box property drawer
| |
HelpBoxAttributeDrawer |
Help box property drawer
| |
LightningBolt |
Lightning bolt
| |
LightningBoltLineRendererMesh |
Class the encapsulates a game object, and renderer for lightning bolt meshes
| |
LightningBoltDependencies |
Lightning bolt dependencies
| |
LightningBoltParameters |
Parameters that control lightning bolt behavior
| |
LightningBoltSegmentGroup |
A group of lightning bolt segments, such as the main trunk of the lightning bolt
| |
LightningCustomTransformDelegate |
Transform delegate
| |
LightningCustomTransformStateInfo |
Lightning transform state info
| |
LightningGenerator |
Generates lightning
| |
LightningGeneratorPath |
Generates lightning that follows a path
| |
LightningLightParameters |
Light parameters
| |
LightningQualityMaximum |
Contains maximum values for a given quality settings
| |
LightningThreadState |
Lightning threading state
| |
MinMaxSliderAttribute |
Min max slider attribute, used to turn a field into a min/max slider
| |
MinMaxSliderDrawer |
Min max slider property drawer
| |
PopupList |
Popup list editor window content
| |
PropertyDrawerExtensions |
Property drawer extension methods
| |
QuaternionTween |
Object used to tween Quaternion values.
| |
ReadOnlyLabelAttribute |
Read only label attribute
| |
SerializationHelper |
Helper methods when serializing / deserializing fields with dynamic editor scripts
| |
SingleLineAttribute |
Single line attribute
| |
SingleLineClampAttribute |
Single line attribute with clamping
| |
SingleLineDrawer |
Single line property drawer, used on RangeOfIntegers, RangeOfFloats or Vector4.
| |
TweenT |
An implementation of a tween object.
| |
TweenFactory |
Tween manager - do not add directly as a script, instead call the static methods in your other scripts.
| |
TweenScaleFunctions |
Tween scale functions
Implementations based on, which are based on
| |
Vector2Tween |
Object used to tween Vector2 values.
| |
Vector3Tween |
Object used to tween Vector3 values.
| |
Vector4Tween |
Object used to tween Vector4 values.
| |
WaitForSecondsLightning |
Coroutine for lightning delays
| |
WeatherMakerAtmosphereProfileScript |
Atmosphere profile
| |
WeatherMakerAudioManagerScript |
Audio manager script, controls all ambient sounds and audio zones
| |
WeatherMakerAuroraManagerScript |
Cloud manager default implementation
| |
WeatherMakerAuroraProfileScript |
Aurora profile script, contains all aurora configuration fields
| |
WeatherMakerBaseScriptableObjectScript |
Base class for Weather Maker scriptable objects
| |
WeatherMakerBoxFogScript |
Box fog script
| |
WeatherMakerCameraProperties |
Weather Maker camera properties
| |
WeatherMakerCelestialObjectScript |
Makes a directional light a celestial object
| |
WeatherMakerCloudLayerProfileScript |
Cloud layer profile, allows configuring a flat layer of clouds
| |
WeatherMakerCloudManager2DScript |
Cloud manager default implementation
| |
WeatherMakerCloudManagerScript |
Cloud manager default implementation
| |
WeatherMakerCloudNoiseGeneratorScript |
Cloud noise generation script
| |
WeatherMakerCloudNoiseParameters |
Cloud noise parameters
| |
WeatherMakerCloudNoiseProfileGroupScript |
Cloud noise profile group script
| |
WeatherMakerCloudNoiseProfileScript |
Cloud noise profile
| |
WeatherMakerCloudProbeScript |
Cloud probe script, allows probing into the volumetric clouds and getting value back on CPU
| |
WeatherMakerCloudProfileScript |
Weather maker cloud profile script, contains flat and volumetric layers
| |
WeatherMakerCloudVolumetricProfileScript |
Volumetric cloud profile
| |
WeatherMakerCommandBuffer |
Represents a command buffer
| |
WeatherMakerCommandBufferManagerScript |
Command buffer manager
| |
WeatherMakerConeCreator |
Allows creating cones
| |
WeatherMakerConfigurationScript |
Configuration script for the Weather Maker configuration side panel
| |
WeatherMakerDampeningZoneScript |
Dampening zone, reduces precipitation intensity, sound and light
| |
WeatherMakerDayNightCycleManagerScript |
Day night cycle manager
| |
WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript |
Day night cycle profile, contains all fields and properties for time of day and how they effect everything
| |
WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScriptMoonInfo |
Moon orbit information
| |
WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScriptSunInfo |
Sun orbit information
| |
WeatherMakerDemoAnimateMoveScript |
Demo script for animating movement
| |
WeatherMakerDemoReflectionProbeScript |
Demo script for updating reflection probe 30 times a second
| |
WeatherMakerDemoScript2D |
2D demo script
| |
WeatherMakerDemoScriptCloudMask |
Cloud mask script
| |
WeatherMakerDemoScriptSpotlightRotate |
Rotate/move light script
| |
WeatherMakerDepthCameraScript |
Depth texture creator for a camera
| |
WeatherMakerEditorUtility |
Weather Maker editor utility functions
| |
WeatherMakerEvent |
WeatherMaker event
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionAquasScript |
Integration for AQUAS water and river set
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionCtsScript |
Integration for CTS (Complete Terrain Shader)
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionMegaSplatScript |
Integration for mega splat
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionMicroSplatScript |
Integration for micro splat
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionRainSnowSeasonScriptT |
Base extension script for rain/snow/season/wind
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionRtpTerrainScript |
Integration for relief terrain pack
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionScriptT |
Base extension script
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionUberScript |
Integration for Uber - Standard Shader Ultra
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionVegetationStudioProScript |
Integration for vegetation studio pro
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionWaterScriptT |
Base water extension script
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionWorldManagerScript |
World API extension script
| |
WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript |
Precipitation script that uses particle systems
| |
WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript2D |
Precipitation particle 2D script
| |
WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript3D |
Precipitation particles 3D script
| |
WeatherMakerFogManagerScript |
Fog manager default implementation
| |
WeatherMakerFogProfileScript |
Base fog profile
| |
WeatherMakerFogScriptT |
Base fog script with type of profile
| |
WeatherMakerFullScreenCloudsScript |
Full screen cloud script and renderer
| |
WeatherMakerFullScreenEffect |
Full screen effect, wraps up rendering multiple commands and command buffers in a nice wrapper class
| |
WeatherMakerFullScreenFogProfileScript |
Full screen fog profile, contains all full screen fog rendering configuration
| |
WeatherMakerFullScreenFogScript |
Contains all code to render and handle full screen fog
| |
WeatherMakerFullScreenOverlayScriptTProfile |
Full screen overlay
| |
WeatherMakerFullScreenSnowOverlayScript |
Full screen snow overlay script
| |
WeatherMakerFullScreenWetnessOverlayScript |
Full screen wetness overlay script
| |
WeatherMakerGeometryUtility |
Geometry helper methods
| |
WeatherMakerLegacyCloudScript2D |
Legacy cloud 2D script
| |
WeatherMakerLightManagerScript |
Manages lights in world space for use in shaders - you do not need to add the directional light to the Lights list, it is done automatically
| |
WeatherMakerLightManagerScriptLightState |
Light state
| |
WeatherMakerLightningBoltPrefabScript |
Lightning bolt prefab script
| |
WeatherMakerLightningBoltPrefabScriptBase |
Lightning bolt base prefab script
| |
WeatherMakerLightningBoltScript |
Lightning bolt script
| |
WeatherMakerLightningProfileScript |
Lightning profile script, contains all properties that change lightning appearance
| |
WeatherMakerLightToSunIntensityScript |
Set light intensity based on sun
| |
WeatherMakerLocationWeatherScript |
Script to handle changing the weather based on location
| |
WeatherMakerLoopingAudioSource |
Provides an easy wrapper to looping audio sources with nice transitions for volume when starting and stopping
| |
WeatherMakerMaterialCopy |
Clones a material
| |
WeatherMakerMemberInfoExtensions |
Reflection helper methods
| |
WeatherMakerMeteorShowerProfileScript |
Meteor shower profile script
| |
WeatherMakerMeteorShowerScript |
Meteor shower script
| |
WeatherMakerMirrorNetworkScript |
Mirror networking extension script
| |
WeatherMakerNetworkPlayerScript |
Network player script
| |
WeatherMakerNoNetworkConnection |
Null network connection
| |
WeatherMakerNullZoneProfile |
Null zone profile
| |
WeatherMakerNullZoneScript |
A null zone can block precipitation, fog, overlay and water fog from rendering
| |
WeatherMakerObjectExtensions |
Extension methods for objects
| |
WeatherMakerOffScreenBufferScript |
Off screen buffer script
| |
WeatherMakerOpenWeatherMapApi |
Open Weather Map API implementation
| |
WeatherMakerOriginOffsetEvent |
WeatherMaker origin offset event
| |
WeatherMakerOutputParameterT |
Output parameter
| |
WeatherMakerOutputParameterEventFloat |
Output change event for float
| |
WeatherMakerOutputParameterFloat |
Output parameter for float
| |
WeatherMakerOverlayProfileScript |
Overlay profile script
| |
WeatherMakerOverlayProfileScriptBase |
Base overlay profile script
| |
WeatherMakerParticleCollisionScript |
Particle system collision handler script
| |
WeatherMakerParticleSortScript |
Particle system sorting script (slow)
| |
WeatherMakerPerformanceProfileScript |
Performance profile, contains all properties that change Weather Maker quality
| |
WeatherMakerPlanarReflectionScript |
Planar reflection script
| |
WeatherMakerPlaneCreatorScript |
Allows creating plane object
| |
WeatherMakerPlayerControllerScript |
Player controller script
| |
WeatherMakerPlayerSoundManagerScript |
Player sound manager default implementation
| |
WeatherMakerPrecipitationManagerScript |
Precipitation manager default implementation
| |
WeatherMakerPrecipitationProfileScript |
Precipitation profile, contains common precipitation rendering properties
| |
WeatherMakerProfileAndWeight |
Contains a weather profile and the weight for that profile
| |
WeatherMakerProfileGroupScript |
Represents a group of weather profiles
| |
WeatherMakerProfileScript |
Weather profile script, contains all profiles for all Weather Maker effects
| |
WeatherMakerReflectionScript |
Reflection script, manages cameras, etc.
| |
WeatherMakerReflectionScriptReflectionCameraInfo |
Information about a camera reflection
| |
WeatherMakerResourceContainerScript |
Profile to contain all weather maker resource references. Anything you want in the build needs to go in here, or needs to be in a Resources folder.
| |
WeatherMakerScript |
Weather Maker master script
| |
WeatherMakerShaderPropertiesScript |
Shader properties, wraps all the ways Unity lets you set shader values into a nice easy to use class
| |
WeatherMakerShadowMapScript |
Shadow map generator script, add to a dir light
| |
WeatherMakerSkyManagerScript |
Cloud manager default implementation
| |
WeatherMakerSkyPlaneScript |
Sky plane script, handles all sky plane rendering and handling
| |
WeatherMakerSkyProfileScript |
Sky profile script, contains all properties for sky rendering
| |
WeatherMakerSkySphereScript |
Sky sphere renderer and general sky handling script
| |
WeatherMakerSoundGroupScript |
A profile containing multiple sounds
| |
WeatherMakerSoundProfileScript |
A group of sound groups
| |
WeatherMakerSoundScript |
Sound script, profile for a set of audio clips
| |
WeatherMakerSoundZoneScript |
Sound zone, manages sounds for a specific region
| |
WeatherMakerSphereCreator |
Allows creating mesh spheres
| |
WeatherMakerSphereCreatorScript |
Sphere creator
| |
WeatherMakerSphereFogScript |
Fog sphere script
| |
WeatherMakerTemporalReprojectionState |
Temporal reprojection state
| |
WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningManagerScript |
Thunder and lightning manager default implementation
| |
WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript |
Base class for thunder and lightning
| |
WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript2D |
2D lightning script
| |
WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript3D |
3D ligntning script
| |
WeatherMakerWaterProfileScript |
Water profile script, contains all properties for rendering water
| |
WeatherMakerWaterScript |
Water script, handles rendering Weather Maker water
| |
WeatherMakerWeatherZoneScript |
Weather zones simply determine what weather profile should be used. Depending
on whether the collider is intersected by a camera will determine what profile
the camera sees. TODO: Add multi-camera and network support.
| |
WeatherMakerWetnessOverlayProfileScript |
Wetness overlay profile script
| |
WeatherMakerWindManagerScript |
Wind manager default implementation
| |
WeatherMakerWindProfileScript |
Wind profile script, contains all fields for configuring wind
| |
WeatherMakerWindScript |
Wind script, controls all wind handling
| |
WeatherMakerZullZoneState |
Null zone state
| |
Structure | Description | |
LightningBoltSegment |
A single segment of a lightning bolt
| |
RangeOfFloats |
Represents a range of floats
| |
RangeOfIntegers |
A range of integers
| |
WeatherMakerFullScreenCloudsScriptCloudProbeResult |
Result of a cloud probe operation
Interface | Description | |
IAuroraManager |
Aurora manager interface
| |
ICloudManager |
Cloud manager interface
| |
IFogManager |
Fog manager interface
| |
IPlayerSoundManager |
Player sound manager interface
| |
IPrecipitationManager |
Precipitation manager interface
| |
ISkyManager |
Sky manager interface
| |
IThunderAndLightningManager |
Lightning manager interface
| |
ITween |
Interface for a tween object.
| |
ITweenT |
Interface for a tween object that handles a specific type.
| |
IWeatherMakerLocationWeatherApi |
Interface for query of external weather service like OpenWeatherMap, etc.
| |
IWeatherMakerManager |
Interface for all weather maker managers
| |
IWeatherMakerNetworkConnection |
Generic network connection interface
| |
IWeatherMakerProvider |
Provider of weather maker interfaces
| |
IWindManager |
Wind manager interface
Enumeration | Description | |
AutoFindLightsMode |
Auto find light mode
| |
BlurShaderType |
Blur shader type
| |
CameraMode |
Camera modes
| |
HelpBoxMessageType |
Help box message type
| |
LightningBoltQualitySetting |
Quality settings for lightning
| |
LightningCustomTransformState |
Transform state
| |
NullZoneRenderMask |
Null zone render mask
| |
TweenState |
State of an ITween object
| |
TweenStopBehavior |
The behavior to use when manually stopping a tween.
| |
UVMode |
UV mode for sphere generation
| |
WeatherMakerAtmosphereQuality |
Atmosphere rendering quality
| |
WeatherMakerCameraType |
Weather maker camera types
| |
WeatherMakerCelestialObjectLightMode |
Celestial object light modes
| |
WeatherMakerCloudNoiseType |
Cloud noise type
| |
WeatherMakerCloudType |
Types of clouds
| |
WeatherMakerDayNightAmbientColorMode |
Day / night cycle ambient color mode
| |
WeatherMakerDownsampleScale |
Down sample scales - do not change the values ever!
| |
WeatherMakerExtensionRainSnowSeasonScriptTWeatherMakerRainSnowSeasonScriptFlags |
| |
WeatherMakerFogMode |
Fog modes
| |
WeatherMakerOrbitType |
Orbit type
| |
WeatherMakerPrecipitationType |
Types of precipitation
| |
WeatherMakerTemporalReprojectionSize |
Temporal reprojection size
| |
WeatherMakerTemporalReprojectionStateTemporalReprojectionBlendMode |
Types of temporal reprojection blend modes
| |
WeatherMakerTimeOfDayCategory |
Time of day category
| |
WeatherMakerVolumetricCloudsFlatLayerMask |
Flay layer mask that are allowed with the volumetric clouds
| |
WeatherMakeSkyMode |
Sky modes