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WeatherMakerScript Fields

The WeatherMakerScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAllowCameras
Cameras that render make should render with. Only cameras in this list are rendered. Defaults to main camera. The first object in the list is the primary camera, and is used to determine orthographic vs perspective setup, etc.
Public fieldAllowCamerasNames
A set of names for allowed cameras, useful for plugins that clone or add custom cameras that you want to allow. Names must match exactly.
Public fieldAllowCamerasNamesPartial
A set of names for allowed cameras, useful for plugins that clone or add custom cameras that you want to allow. Names can partially match.
Public fieldAllowSceneCamera
Allow the scene camera to render Weather Maker. This can result in UI corruption due to Unity bugs, so turn off if you see UI corruption.
Public fieldAutoFindMainCamera
Whether to auto-find all cameras tagged as MainCamera and add them to the AllowCameras list. Set to false if you don't need this or see any performance issue.
Public fieldCameraType
Camera mode. This affects lighting, visual effects and more. Ensure this is set to the correct value for your game or app.
Public fieldDawnBegin
Executes when the day/night cycle becomes dawn. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldDayBegin
Executes when the day/night cycle becomes day. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldDayChanged
Executes when the day/night cycle day changes. Parameter is DateTWeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScriptime.
Public fieldDuskBegin
Executes when the day/night cycle becomes dusk. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldHourChanged
Executes when the day/night cycle hour changes. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldIntensityModifierDictionary
Allows adding additional weather intensity modifiers by key. Note that setting any values in here will override the external intensity on any built in weather maker particle system scripts.
Public fieldIsPermanent
Whether the prefab should exist forever. Set to false to have the prefab destroyed with the scene it is in.
Public fieldMinuteChanged
Executes when the day/night cycle minute changes. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldMonthChanged
Executes when the day/night cycle month changes. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldNightBegin
Executes when the day/night cycle becomes night. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldResourceContainer
Put all Weather Maker references in here including scriptable object profiles, sound files, textures, etc. Only these will be bundled and included in the final build.
Public fieldSecondChanged
Executes when the day/night cycle second changes. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldSunriseBegin
Executes when the day/night cycle sunrise begins. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldSunriseEnd
Executes when the day/night cycle sunrise ends. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldSunsetBegin
Executes when the day/night cycle sunset begins. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldSunsetEnd
Executes when the day/night cycle sunset ends. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
Public fieldWeatherProfileChanged
Executes when the weather profile changes for the local player. Parameter is WeatherMakerProfileScript.
Public fieldWeatherZoneChanged
Executes when the weather zones changes for the local player. Parameter is WeatherMakerWeatherZoneScript.
Public fieldYearChanged
Executes when the day/night cycle year changes. Parameter is WeatherMakerDayNightCycleProfileScript.
See Also