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WeatherMakerLocationWeatherScript Fields

The WeatherMakerLocationWeatherScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAccuracyMeters
Accuracy in meters. Ignored if AutoStartStop is false.
Public fieldApiKey
Api key for the weather API
Public fieldAutoStartStop
Whether to auto start and stop the location service. Set to false if you do this elsewhere or don't need location services.
Public fieldLatitude
The latitude to use. Set to -999 to use the current day/night cycle latitude. Set to 999 to auto-detect local position.
Public fieldLongitude
The longitude to use. Set to -999 to use the current day/night cycle longitude. Set to 999 to auto-detect local position.
Public fieldPlaceName
The place name to use, overrides lat/lon. Set to null to use the current day/night cycle lat/lon.
Public fieldThresholdMeters
Distance in meters to move before refreshing position. Ignored if AutoStartStop is false.
Public fieldUpdateRateSeconds
Update rate in minutes. API will be refreshed every n minutes with new weather.
Public fieldWeatherZoneScript
The weather zone to control
See Also