WeatherMakerCloudLayerProfileScript Fields |
The WeatherMakerCloudLayerProfileScript type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CloudAmbientMultiplier | Cloud ambient light multiplier. | |
CloudColor | Cloud color, for lighting. | |
CloudCover | Cloud cover, controls how many clouds / how thick the clouds are. | |
CloudDensity | Cloud density, controls how opaque the clouds are and how much the cloud block directional light. | |
CloudEmissionColor | Cloud emission color, always emits this color regardless of lighting. | |
CloudGradientColor | Cloud gradient color, where center of gradient is sun at horizon, right is up. | |
CloudHeight | Cloud height - affects how fast clouds move as player moves and affects scale. | |
CloudLightAbsorption | Cloud light absorption. As this approaches 0, more light is absorbed. | |
CloudNoise | Texture for cloud noise - use single channel texture only. | |
CloudNoiseMultiplier | Cloud noise multiplier, up to 4 octaves. Should add up to about 1. | |
CloudNoiseRotation | Cloud noise rotation in degrees. | |
CloudNoiseScale | Cloud noise scale, up to 4 octaves, set to 0 to not process that octave. | |
CloudNoiseVelocity | Cloud noise velocity. | |
CloudRayOffset | Bring clouds down at the horizon at the cost of stretching over the top. | |
CloudScatterMultiplier | Cloud Scatter light multiplier | |
CloudSharpness | Cloud sharpness, controls how distinct the clouds are. |