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WeatherMakerCloudLayerProfileScript Fields

The WeatherMakerCloudLayerProfileScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCloudAmbientMultiplier
Cloud ambient light multiplier.
Public fieldCloudColor
Cloud color, for lighting.
Public fieldCloudCover
Cloud cover, controls how many clouds / how thick the clouds are.
Public fieldCloudDensity
Cloud density, controls how opaque the clouds are and how much the cloud block directional light.
Public fieldCloudEmissionColor
Cloud emission color, always emits this color regardless of lighting.
Public fieldCloudGradientColor
Cloud gradient color, where center of gradient is sun at horizon, right is up.
Public fieldCloudHeight
Cloud height - affects how fast clouds move as player moves and affects scale.
Public fieldCloudLightAbsorption
Cloud light absorption. As this approaches 0, more light is absorbed.
Public fieldCloudNoise
Texture for cloud noise - use single channel texture only.
Public fieldCloudNoiseMultiplier
Cloud noise multiplier, up to 4 octaves. Should add up to about 1.
Public fieldCloudNoiseRotation
Cloud noise rotation in degrees.
Public fieldCloudNoiseScale
Cloud noise scale, up to 4 octaves, set to 0 to not process that octave.
Public fieldCloudNoiseVelocity
Cloud noise velocity.
Public fieldCloudRayOffset
Bring clouds down at the horizon at the cost of stretching over the top.
Public fieldCloudScatterMultiplier
Cloud Scatter light multiplier
Public fieldCloudSharpness
Cloud sharpness, controls how distinct the clouds are.
See Also