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TweenScaleFunctions Fields

The TweenScaleFunctions type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberCubicEaseIn
A cubic (x^3) progress scale function that eases in.
Public fieldStatic memberCubicEaseInOut
A cubic (x^3) progress scale function that eases in and out.
Public fieldStatic memberCubicEaseOut
A cubic (x^3) progress scale function that eases out.
Public fieldStatic memberLinear
A linear progress scale function.
Public fieldStatic memberQuadraticEaseIn
A quadratic (x^2) progress scale function that eases in.
Public fieldStatic memberQuadraticEaseInOut
A quadratic (x^2) progress scale function that eases in and out.
Public fieldStatic memberQuadraticEaseOut
A quadratic (x^2) progress scale function that eases out.
Public fieldStatic memberQuarticEaseIn
A quartic (x^4) progress scale function that eases in.
Public fieldStatic memberQuarticEaseInOut
A quartic (x^4) progress scale function that eases in and out.
Public fieldStatic memberQuarticEaseOut
A quartic (x^4) progress scale function that eases out.
Public fieldStatic memberQuinticEaseIn
A quintic (x^5) progress scale function that eases in.
Public fieldStatic memberQuinticEaseInOut
A quintic (x^5) progress scale function that eases in and out.
Public fieldStatic memberQuinticEaseOut
A quintic (x^5) progress scale function that eases out.
Public fieldStatic memberSineEaseIn
A sine progress scale function that eases in.
Public fieldStatic memberSineEaseInOut
A sine progress scale function that eases in and out.
Public fieldStatic memberSineEaseOut
A sine progress scale function that eases out.
See Also