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WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript2D Fields

The WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript2D type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCloudLightningChance
The chance lightning will simply be in the clouds with no visible bolt
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldEndXVariance
The variance of the end point in the x direction. Can be absolute or percentage depending on 2D or 3D mode.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldEndYVariance
The variance of the end point in the y direction. Does not get applied if the lightning hit the ground. Can be absolute or percentage depending on 2D or 3D mode.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldEndZVariance
The variance of the end point in the z direction. Can be absolute or percentage depending on 2D or 3D mode.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldExternalIntensityMultiplier
External intensity modifier to reduce amount of lightning. For example if a player moves indoors or in a cave, you could set this to 0 to turn off lightning.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldGroundLightningChance
The chance that non-cloud lightning will hit the ground
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldLightningBoltScript
Lightning bolt script
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldLightningForcedVisibilityProbability
Probability that lightning strikes will be forced to be visible in the camera view. Even if this fails, there is still a change that the lightning will be visible. Ignored for some modes such as 2D.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldLightningIntenseProbability
Probability (0-1) of an intense lightning bolt that hits really close. Intense lightning has increased brightness and louder thunder compared to normal lightning, and the thunder sounds plays a lot sooner.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldLightningIntervalTimeRange
Random interval between strikes.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldStartXVariance
The variance of the end point in the x direction. Can be absolute or percentage depending on 2D or 3D mode.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldStartYBase
Starting y value for the lightning strikes. Can be absolute or percentage of visible scene height depending on 2D or 3D mode.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldStartYBaseCloudOnly
Starting y value for the cloud only lightning strikes. Can be absolute or percentage of visible scene height depending on 2D or 3D mode.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldStartYVariance
The variance of the end point in the y direction. Does not get applied if the lightning hit the ground. Can be absolute or percentage depending on 2D or 3D mode.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldStartZVariance
The variance of the end point in the z direction. Can be absolute or percentage depending on 2D or 3D mode.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldThunderSoundPlayed
Fires when a thunder sounds plays. Parameters are the audio clip and intensity.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldThunderSoundsIntense
Sounds to play for intense thunder. One will be chosen at random for each lightning strike.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldThunderSoundsNormal
Sounds to play for normal thunder. One will be chosen at random for each lightning strike. Depending on intensity, some normal lightning may not play a thunder sound.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
Public fieldVolumeModifier
Volume modifier for thunder
(Inherited from WeatherMakerThunderAndLightningScript.)
See Also