Click or drag to resize

FingersScrollViewComponentScript Fields

The FingersScrollViewComponentScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldBounceModifier
How quickly the content bounces back to the center if it is moved or scaled out of bounds. Higher values move to the center faster.
Public fieldCanvasCamera
Canvas camera, null if canvas is screen space.
Public fieldDebugText
Optional, a text element to show debug text, useful for debugging the scroll view.
Public fieldDoubleTapAnimationTimeSeconds
How long a double tap will animate the zoom in and out.
Public fieldDoubleTapZoomInValue
The scale at which a double tap will zoom in to.
Public fieldDoubleTapZoomOutThreshold
The threshold of zoom scale at which a double tap will zoom out instead of zoom in.
Public fieldDoubleTapZoomOutValue
The scale at which a double tap will zoom out to.
Public fieldMaximumScale
The maximum scale multiplier.
Public fieldMaxSpeed
The max speed for the scroll view. When a pan finishes, velocity will be applied and the content will move a bit more.
Public fieldMinimumScale
The minimum scale multiplier.
Public fieldPanDampening
How quickly pan velocity reduces when a pan finishes. Lower values reduce faster.
Public fieldScaleDampening
How quickly the scale velocity reduces when a scale finishes. Lower values reduce faster.
Public fieldScaleSpeed
How fast the scale gesture scales in and out. Lower values scale more slowly.
Public fieldScrollContent
The content to act as a scroll view.
Public fieldScrollContentContainer
The game object of the element containing the scroll view. This is usually a panel with a transparent image.
See Also