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FingersPanARComponentScript Fields

The FingersPanARComponentScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCamera
The camera to use to convert screen coordinates to world coordinates. Defaults to Camera.main.
Public fieldDoubleTapToResetRotation
Whether a double tap will reset rotation.
Public fieldOrbitSpeed
Orbit speed (desktop only, right mouse button and drag).
Public fieldRotateSpeed
Rotation speed, set to 0 to disable rotation.
Public fieldScaleSpeed
Scale speed. Set to 0 to disable scaling.
Public fieldSpeedForwardBack
The speed at which to move the object forward and backwards.
Public fieldSpeedLeftRight
The speed at which to move the object left and right.
Public fieldTargets
Target game objects. If null, gets set to the transform of this script. These will be raycasted to determine which object gets acted upon.
Public fieldTripleTapToDestroy
Allow triple tap gesture to destroy the object.
See Also