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WeatherMakerSoundScript Fields

The WeatherMakerSoundScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAudioClips
The audio clip to play (one is chosen at random)
Public fieldDisabled
Whether this object is disabled
(Inherited from WeatherMakerBaseScriptableObjectScript.)
Public fieldDurationRange
How long in seconds to play the sound, for non-looped AudioSource this is ignored, and the entire sound is played.
Public fieldFadeDuration
How long in seconds to fade in and out for looping audio sources.
Public fieldHoursOfDay
The hours in a day the sound can play, or null/empty to just use TimesOfDay.
Public fieldIntervalRange
How long in seconds to wait in between playing the sound. Set to 0 min and max to have no wait and a continous sound.
Public fieldLooping
Whether to loop the audio clip, all clips must be looping or not looping.
Public fieldName
A name to help you keep track of the ambient sound
Public fieldTimesOfDay
The times of day the sound can play. In order to play HoursOfDay must be empty or must also match.
Public fieldVolumeRange
Range of volume for the ambient sound, a new value is chosen each time the sound is played.
See Also