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WeatherMakerProfileGroupScript Fields

The WeatherMakerProfileGroupScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAuroraProfile
Override aurora profile (set to null to not override)
Public fieldCloudProfile
Override cloud profile (set to null to not override)
Public fieldDisabled
Whether this object is disabled
(Inherited from WeatherMakerBaseScriptableObjectScript.)
Public fieldFogProfile
Override fog profile (set to null to not override)
Public fieldHoldDuration
(Seconds) Override random duration for profiles to hold before transition to another profile, set to 0 to use the weather zone hold duration.
Public fieldLightningProfile
Override lightning profile (set to null to not override)
Public fieldPrecipitationProfile
Override precipitation profile (set to null to not override)
Public fieldProfiles
Profiles. A random profile is chosen using the weight of all profiles.
Public fieldSkyProfile
Override sky profile (set to null to not override)
Public fieldSoundProfile
Override sound profile (set to null to not override)
Public fieldTransitionDuration
(Seconds) Override random duration for profiles to transition in, set to 0 to use the weather zone transition duration.
Public fieldWindProfile
Override wind profile (set to null to not override)
See Also