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WeatherMakerCloudProfileScript Properties

The WeatherMakerCloudProfileScript type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAtmosphereProfile
Atmosphere profile
Public propertyAuroraProfile
Aurora profile
Public propertyCloudCoverTotal
Sum of cloud cover, max of 1
Public propertyCloudDensityTotal
Sum of cloud density, max of 1
Public propertyCloudDirectionalLightDirectBlock
Directional light block
Public propertyCloudGlobalShadow
Cloud global shadow value
Public propertyCloudLightAbsorptionTotal
Sum of cloud light absorption, max of 1
Public propertyCloudsEnabled
Checks whether clouds are enabled
Public propertyhideFlags

Should the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user?

(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyname

The name of the object.

(Inherited from Object.)
See Also