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WeatherMakerLightningProfileScript Fields

The WeatherMakerLightningProfileScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldDisabled
Whether this object is disabled
(Inherited from WeatherMakerBaseScriptableObjectScript.)
Public fieldLightningCloudChance
The chance lightning will simply be in the clouds with no visible bolt.
Public fieldLightningForcedVisibilityProbability
Probability that lightning strikes will be forced to be visible in the camera view. Even if this fails, there is still a change that the lightning will be visible. Ignored for some modes such as 2D.
Public fieldLightningGroundChance
The chance that non-cloud lightning will hit the ground.
Public fieldLightningIntenseProbability
Probability lightning will be intense (close up and loud).
Public fieldLightningIntervalTimeRange
The random range of seconds in between lightning strikes.
See Also