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WeatherMakerWindProfileScript Fields

The WeatherMakerWindProfileScript type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAllowBlowUp
Whether random wind can blow upwards. Default is false.
Public fieldAutoWindIntensity
Whether to re-calculate wind intensity when wind changes. Default is true.
Public fieldDisabled
Whether this object is disabled
(Inherited from WeatherMakerBaseScriptableObjectScript.)
Public fieldFogVelocityMultiplier
How much the wind affects fog velocity, 0 for none.
Public fieldWindAudioClip
The wind sound to play. Null for default.
Public fieldWindChangeDuration
How fast the wind changes once a change is begun. Set to 0 for instant change.
Public fieldWindChangeInterval
How often the wind speed and direction changes (minimum and maximum change interval in seconds). Set to 0 for no change.
Public fieldWindChangeRotationDurationPercent
Random percent of total transition duration that is spent changing the wind rotation. Lower values rotate the wind faster.
Public fieldWindMainMultiplier
Multiply the wind zone wind main by this value.
Public fieldWindMaximumChangeRotation
The maximum rotation the wind can change in degrees. For 2D, non-zero means random wind left or right.
Public fieldWindPulseFrequencyRange
Wind pulse frequency range - set to a maximum of 0 for no random pulse frequency.
Public fieldWindPulseMagnitudeRange
Wind pulse magnitude range - set to a maximum of 0 for no random pulse magnitude.
Public fieldWindSoundMultiplier
Additional sound volume multiplier for the wind
Public fieldWindSpeedRange
The range of wind speed intensities. The wind zone wind main is set to WindIntensity * MaximumWindSpeed * WindMainMultiplier.
Public fieldWindTurbulenceRange
Wind turbulence range - set to a maximum 0 for no random turbulence.
See Also