WeatherMakerOverlayProfileScriptBase Fields |
The WeatherMakerOverlayProfileScriptBase type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AutoIntensityMultiplier | Overlay how fast it accumulates - higher values accumulate faster based on external intensity, 0 for no auto accumulation. Negative for melting/reducing effect. 0.001 seems to be a good value. | |
Disabled | Whether this object is disabled (Inherited from WeatherMakerBaseScriptableObjectScript.) | |
OverlayColor | Overlay color | |
OverlayIntensity | Overlay intensity | |
OverlayMinHeight | Minimum height to show overlay at | |
OverlayMinHeightFalloffMultiplier | Overlay min height falloff multiplier | |
OverlayMinHeightFalloffPower | Overlay min height falloff power | |
OverlayMinHeightNoiseAdder | Overlay noise adder if using noise texture to vary min height, ignored if not using noise texture | |
OverlayMinHeightNoiseMultiplier | Overlay noise multiplier | |
OverlayMinHeightNoiseOffset | Overlay noise offset for min height variance, ignored if not using noise texture | |
OverlayMinHeightNoiseScale | Overlay noise scale for min height variance, ignored if not using noise texture | |
OverlayMinHeightNoiseVelocity | Overlay noise velocity for min height variance, ignored if not using noise texture | |
OverlayMinimumIntensity | Overlay minimum intensity, regardless of other factors, overlay intensity will not drop below this value. | |
OverlayNoiseAdder | Overlay noise adder | |
OverlayNoiseAdderIntensityPower | One minus overlay intensity to this power is subtracted from OverlayNoiseAdder, used to easily make gaps in the snow, which automatically reduce as overlay intensity increases. | |
OverlayNoiseHeightTexture | Overlay height noise texture, null for none | |
OverlayNoiseMultiplier | Overlay noise multiplier | |
OverlayNoiseOffset | Overlay noise offset | |
OverlayNoisePower | Overlay noise power, shader noise calculation is raised to this power | |
OverlayNoiseScale | Overlay noise scale | |
OverlayNoiseTexture | Overlay noise texture, null for none | |
OverlayNoiseVelocity | Overlay noise velocity | |
OverlayNormalReducer | Overlay overlay intensity as y normal moves away from 1. Lower values cause the overlay to appear more on normals with lower y values. | |
OverlayOffset | Overlay offset - initial uv offset | |
OverlayReflectionIntensity | Overlay reflection intensity. Not all overlay support this. | |
OverlayScale | Overlay scale | |
OverlaySpecularColor | Overlay specular color | |
OverlaySpecularIntensity | Overlay specular intensity | |
OverlaySpecularPower | Overlay specular power, reduces specular area but increases intensity as this value increases | |
OverlayTexture | Overlay texture, null for default | |
OverlayVelocity | Overlay velocity (moves texture UV) |