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WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript3D Fields

The WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript3D type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAnimatedTextureCollisionMaskAbove
Layer mask for collision check above player to turn off animated texture if something is hit, i.e. a roof or tree.
Public fieldAnimatedTextureCollisionMaskBelow
Layer mask for collision check below player to position animated texture, i.e. the ground.
Public fieldAnimatedTextureRenderer
Optional animated texture renderer, used to render things like ripples / splashes all inside a shader without need for particle collisions.
Public fieldAnimatedTextureRendererIntensityThreshold
The intensity at which the animated texture (puddles) are fully visible.
Public fieldAnimatedTextureRendererPositionOffset
How much to offset the animated texture renderer should offset from nearest hit below camera. All values should be >= 0. If z is > 0, the drops will rotate with the camera to keep the majority in front of the camera.
Public fieldBaseEmissionRate
Base number of particles to emit per second. This is multiplied by intensity and intensity multiplier.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldBaseEmissionRateSecondary
Base number of secondary particles to emit per second. This is multiplied by intensity and intensity multiplier.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldBaseMistEmissionRate
Base number of mist particles to emit per second. This is multiplied by intensity and intensity multiplier.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldDitherLevel
Particle dithering factor
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldExplosionParticleSystem
Particles system for when particles hit something
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldExternalIntensityMultiplier
External intensity modifier, for example if the player goes in a cave, this could be reduced to slow or stop particles.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldFirstPersonFollowSpeed
How fast particle systems should follow each camera if first person. Higher values follow faster but can result in visible snapping of particles. Set to 0 for instant follow.
Public fieldForwardOffset
How far the particle system is ahead of the camera
Public fieldHeight
The height above the camera that the particles will start falling from
Public fieldIntensity
Overall intensity of the system (0-1)
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldIntensityMultiplier
Intensity multiplier for fewer or extra particles
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldIsFirstPerson
Whether the particles will anchor themselves to each rendered camera. If false, particles stay where you put them.
Public fieldLoopSourceHeavy
Heavy particle looping audio source
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldLoopSourceLight
Light particle looping audio source
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldLoopSourceMedium
Medium particle looping audio source
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldMistForward
Forward offset for mist
Public fieldMistHeight
The top y value of the mist particles
Public fieldMistIntensityMultiplier
Intensity multiplier for fewer or extra mist particles
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldMistParticleSystem
Particle system to use for mist
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldMistThreshold
The threshold that Intensity must pass for mist particles to appear (0 - 1). Set to 1 for no mist. Set this before changing Intensity.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldNullZoneHeight
Height to place particle systems if in a null zone
Public fieldParticleSystem
Particle system
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldParticleSystemFarDepth
ParticleSystem Far Depth
Public fieldParticleSystemFarWidth
ParticleSystem Far Width
Public fieldParticleSystemMistFarDepth
ParticleSystemMist Far Depth
Public fieldParticleSystemMistFarWidth
ParticleSystemMist Far Width
Public fieldParticleSystemMistNearDepth
ParticleSystemMist Near Depth
Public fieldParticleSystemMistNearWidth
ParticleSystemMist Near Width
Public fieldParticleSystemNearDepth
ParticleSystem Near Depth
Public fieldParticleSystemNearWidth
ParticleSystem Near Width
Public fieldParticleSystemSecondary
Particle system that is secondary and optional
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldParticleSystemSecondaryFarDepth
ParticleSystemSecondary Far Depth
Public fieldParticleSystemSecondaryFarWidth
ParticleSystemSecondary Far Width
Public fieldParticleSystemSecondaryNearDepth
ParticleSystemSecondary Near Depth
Public fieldParticleSystemSecondaryNearWidth
ParticleSystemSecondary Near Width
Public fieldPrecipitationMistTintColor
Precipitation mist tint color
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldPrecipitationSecondaryTintColor
Precipitation secondary tint color
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldPrecipitationTintColor
Precipitation tint color
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldSecondaryForwardOffset
How far the secondary particle system is ahead of the camera
Public fieldSecondaryHeight
The height above the camera that the secondary particles will start falling from
Public fieldSecondaryIntensityMultiplier
Intensity multiplier for fewer or extra secondary particles
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldSecondaryThreshold
The threshold that Intensity must pass for secondary particles to appear (0 - 1). Set to 1 for no secondary particles. Set this before changing Intensity.
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldSoundHeavyIntensityThreshold
Intensity threshold for heavy loop sound
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
Public fieldSoundMediumIntensityThreshold
Intensity threshold for medium looping sound
(Inherited from WeatherMakerFallingParticleScript.)
See Also