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WeatherMakeSkyMode Enumeration

Sky modes

Namespace:  DigitalRuby.WeatherMaker
Assembly:  Assembly-CSharp (in Assembly-CSharp.dll) Version:
public enum WeatherMakeSkyMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Textured0 Textured - day, dawn/dusk and night are all done via textures
ProceduralTexturedUnityStyle1 Procedural sky - day and dawn/dusk textures are overlaid on top of procedural sky, night texture is used as is
ProceduralUnityStyle2 Procedural sky - day, dawn/dusk textures are ignored, night texture is used as is
ProceduralTexturedPhysicallyBased3 Physically based sky - day and dawn/dusk textures are overlaid on top of procedural sky, night texture is used as is
ProceduralPhysicallyBased4 Physically based sky
See Also